Saturday, July 14

Hospital Again

Mum is a bit weak . She has'nt eaten for ages and it is bound to make her feel lousy . The nurses want her to start trying to take Boost , which is a high calorie drink but she can't stand the smell of it and it makes her feel worse. Unfortunately, at this point, she has to either try and take the drink herself or they have to give her food by i.v.
The hospital today is quite busy. Mum has a roomate now . Her family and friends are also here which makes it a little crowded ! Having the internet access and a laptop is great .

Some worrying news today ..........

Mum's friend Doug is normally a very upbeat guy. They have had some great times together with more than a few adventures ! Since my mums latest troubles, Doug has had increasing problems with an ulcer on his foot (he is a diabetic) that has been slow to heal . It has been decided that Doug needs a leg artery bypass tomorrow morning at the hospital in Hamilton .
Our thoughts are with Doug and his family today .

Consiga bien Doug