The "downer" is that we are back to that "waiting" mode. Waiting for Andrew to arrive tomorrow, waiting to get the scans over with , waiting to see if she can work out an alternative schedule for the Zometa infusion due to her travel plans and most importantly, waiting for the results of the scans at her appointment a week from Wednesday . Anyone who has been a faithful reader of this blog, will know that waiting is not something I am good at. All this "be in the moment" stuff wears rather thin.
My wish right now is for a pair of X-Ray specs that could zoom into mum and pronounce that she has passed her medical and is fit for active duty. Mostly, I don't think I need them because I do have a tendency to scrutinize her closely for any signs of aching bones . Another reason why her trip will be good, gives us both a break from this hyper-vigilance.