Mum and I quite enjoy Ikea. When she first arrived in Canada, we were content to pick up her furniture almost exclusively from the store as she still owned her flat in Ferndown. I will never forget Mum, her friend Viv and myself spending EIGHT HOURS one day at the Mississagua Ikea getting all the stuff she needed.....must be some sort of record ! Today, we decided to take a trip down memory lane and we ended up buying a picture for Colin's room . The Mini is very small and the picture is very large and so we ended up literally jamming everything into the car and mum and Colin folded themselves into the car for the drive home. I laughed hysterically at the two of them when I took the picture but Mum didn't have quite the same sense of humour(she was perched on the edge of the front seat) ....all she could think about was arriving home in one piece !
We chatted tonight on the drive back from Ridley.We both recognize that she's come a long way ....there were some extremely bleak days a short couple of months ago....finally getting out and about and doing some ordinary things is very healthy for both the body and mind - Mum certainly does not want to be wrapped up in a cocoon.
Andrew arrives next week and he will be going down to Buffalo with mum for her CT and bone scan . I just have to believe that she will have positive or stable results - I can't (won't)even consider the alternatives .