We just heard this morning that my brother Andrew had emergency bowel surgery in Victoria in the middle of the night . It was a very serious operation and we still don't know all the details. What we do know is that he is lucky to be alive . According to Hilary, he is resting comfortably and is in no pain . Hopefully he will be out of the hospital in the next couple of days but he will need to recuperate for a long time . Mum is understandably very worried but she is trying to keep calm .
The move was tiring and frustrating , but the good news is that my mums new place looks great and she is very pleased with how it has all turned out . Unfortunately I am practically deaf with this ear infection and had to make a trip myself to the hospital last night .
We are heading down to Buffalo today , doctors appointment tomorrow and then St Catherine's on Wednesday with Colin to drop him off at school. We will stay in Buffalo until the weekend because there is still quite a lot of work to be done at the condo . Hopefully by Saturday night mum can move in properly and I have just another week to go until I get the keys to my place .
Arghhhhh ...... OK I know all about the light at the end of the tunnel stuff.....but this is just too much. My poor brother ......I just can't stop thinking about him . He is the "invincible" one ...the rock of our family and when something happens to him, it makes us all feel very vulnerable.