Today mum woke up feeling very nauseated again. She struggled bravely through the day without complaint but eventually I had to phone the doctor on call at Roswell. He prescribed a drug called Zofran which is meant to be excellent at combating nausea. Wow is it expensive ....$20 per pill and she takes two at a time. The main thing though is that it seems to work. Mum was quite definitive,if she had a choice, she would rather have the pain than the nausea ....it's that bad . We went to the Walgreens downtown Buffalo to pick up the prescription. It's quite a sleazy place at night. Last time I was there I almost called 911 because a crazy woman was getting out of control in the aisles . This time I heard something crackle on the security guards radio about a drug dealer and a gun.
We couldn't get back to the Doubletree fast enough.