Bridge is such a sensational game that I wouldn't mind being in jail if I had three cellmates who were decent players and who were willing to keep the game going 24 hours a day
Warren Buffett
Mum has always stressed to me from an early age the importance of knowing how to play a decent hand of bridge. For her it has meant that wherever she is in the world it's possible to always find a group of like-minded people and have instant rapport . Since she moved to Oakville,bridge has provided her with a great social outlet and she has been fortunate enough to meet some lovely people through the game. In particular, she enjoys her Oakville Club friends and today she made it to her regular Tuesday gathering. She looked terrific, happy, relaxed and very cheerful . It's wonderful to see her look so well as this move has really been hard on her.Today ,for the first time in weeks, she really seemed like her old self . We cracked up with laughter tonight in her condo because I told her that she had to prove to me she had no pain !She decided to do a dance around the living room just to show me that she is quite fine and pointed to her mounting collection of canes gathering dust as evidence that she is perfectly mobile.
Satisfied, I left her for the evening feeling really pleased that she has had such a great day . We just need another....and another and one after that ......