The definition of a Harvest Moon is: the full moon closest to the fall equinox. The Harvest Moon was thus named because it rises within a half-hour of when the sun sets. In early days, when farmers had no tractors, it was essential that they work by the light of the moon to bring in the harvest. This moon is the fullest moon of the year. When you gaze at the moon, it looks very large and gives a lot of light throughout the entire night. No other lunar spectacle is as awesome as the Harvest Moon.
Harvest Moon Lore
It's a full moon tonight . While I am not one for symbols and suchlike, I noted that the symbolism tonight is quite appropriate because the full moon according to mythology represents the goddess of love and battle.
It's a great analogy after the past couple of days because I feel that those horrible little cancer "gremlins" are waging war and mum is fighting back quite successfully . Perhaps a cure is a long-shot but there is no doubt in my mind that love is the balm. It soothes pain and allows the body to to emerge from adversity renewed and healed.