The hospital is completely different once the sun goes down. It is located in a rough area in downtown Buffalo and in order to get inside after 9pm, you have to buzz security . They will drive me to the hotel and/or escort me to the car in the parking lot once I have finished visiting mum . The streets are mainly deserted and it's quite an strange atmosphere being out at night . It's not as if there are any weird people lurking around - I've seen much worse in Toronto ,but the depressing thing about this area is that the downtown core of Buffalo is largely vacant despite a recent economic resurgence . The big medical campus is quite obviously a major player in terms of the economy but there's not much else here. Despite the obvious economic woes , the people are warm and friendly . The community here in downtown Buffalo (predominantly African American ) is more vibrant in some ways than its uptight neighbours to the north and I am really getting to appreciate this unique city .
I'm just glad this day is over and mum is settled . Despite the fact she is in some pain, she looks reasonably well and strong.