Mum is really feeling crummy. There's nothing going in apart from an i.v . She is not really improving and is getting quite weak. We are still trying to have a laugh - I patted her arm "reassuringly" trying to be Florence Nightingale and she pushed me away and told me to "stop that immediately"! We could'nt help laughing , but then it started another choking fit and poor mum had to just lie back and rest. This is awful . Roswell can set up visiting nurses to flush her pic line at the hotel and give her i.v fluids, but I am concerned about how she will manage over the weekend as she can literally not swallow .
* Update . We have spoken to Dr O'Conner and the feeling is that mum needs higher doses of pain medication delivered by i.v and hydration . Her "official" diagnosis is "
radiation induced esophagitis" . She fortunately has a bed available on the 6th floor of the hospital which is a relief .