I saw mum for the first time today since Monday and I thought she seemed a lot better. Her spirits were good and she is extremely happy with the treatment she is receiving at Roswell. One of the (many) positive things about mum is that wherever she is, she is able to build a community around her. She has chatted to her physical therapist who is treating the lymphedema, a professional singer staying at the hotel, the ladies in the gift store , other patients and I suspect she may become a "favourite" with her nurses ....she does like to talk ! Of course, this is only the surface interaction. Underneath, I am not really sure how she is doing. My sense is that there is still a sense of shock that this is all happening and a certain amount of disbelief. It's probably a good thing because it allows her just to focus on one particular issue and not give in to rumination and worry- something we are all inclined to do when the going gets tough. Mum is made of stern stuff, its the Scot in her, she has good strong genes that allow her to soldier on and get through the hard times.
A healthy sense of optimism helps , and she has that in abundance.