This evening mum got everything organized ready for the next couple of weeks in Buffalo. The plan is that she will stay at the Doubletree again until Friday and then return to Oakville for the weekend. There are a couple of nice events planned - a barbeque with their friends Marilyn and Janet as well as a Canada Day party at Doug's condo . Hopefully mum will be in good spirits and able to have a more active weekend. Doug is planning to spend the whole week with mum down in Buffalo and I will be there to meet with the radiologist on Thursday .
Unfortunately Doug has a diabetic foot ulcer that has been slow to heal . We have found a wound care clinic in St Catherine's and hopefully he will be able to make the necessary arrangements to have it attended to on a regular basis without driving back to Burlington for his appointments with the nurse. He has been a great support to mum . It's important to try and have some fun too - in spite of the difficulties associated with the treatment. Mum and I decided that his "job" was to "keep her happy " (!) but seriously, we could not have done without his help coordinating the insurance claims .His expertise and organizational skills have certainly been very helpful.
There's a lot of logistics to attend to ....I am moving on Wednesday(hardly packed one box yet and the garage is a disaster) and will be "camping" at my moms condo until I move into my new place in September. Colin will be returning home from Vancouver , the dog has to be looked after, all the various appointments need to be made, medication sorted out ....I think it will be better for mum to just try to relax at the Doubletree and focus more on herself right now and less on the external minutae that is whirling around.