We have had to learn very quickly about the anatomy of the spine. I barely passed biology at school and I can't say that a grasp of science is my strong point, but this is what I understand so far thanks to a number of excellent articles on the internet . The spinal column (or vertebral column) extends from the skull to the pelvis and is made up of 33 individual bones termed vertebrae. The vertebrae are stacked on top of each other group into four regions.
These regions of the spine have handy abbreviations :
Neck (cervical ) C1-C7
Chest (Thoracic ) T1-T12
Low Back (Lumbar ) L1-L5
Pelvis - (Sacrum ) S1-S5
Tailbone no abbreviation !
There are lots of gruesome pictures on the internet that show all the muscles , ligaments and nerves attached to the spine. Its all extremely complex and I try to read something every day that helps me understand. What I do know is that I have a new appreciation for all the health care professionals that have looked after my mother. Its not just a "job" , it is a true vocation.
I also have a better understanding of health care administrators. I used to get very upset if I perceived someone as "slow" or "inefficient" and I now recognize that I was judging too harshly. These people, in the most part, have an extraordinarily difficult job that requires a high level of dedication and skill .
Thank you also to ..............
- The people that sit behind glass screens and call out my mothers name when it is time for her appointment.
- The volunteers that work in the gift store , the information booth and hand out candy at Roswell Park.
- The musicians that play in the lobby
- The people in the elevator who say "good morning"
- The people who clean the hospital and get rid of my coffee cups and sandwich wrappers and more.....much more.
- All the invisible people that help make a very complex institution function 365 days a year.
Gratitude, appreciation forgiveness and love .... Mother Theresa, The Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, Ghandi , Muhammad, Jesus Christ ......I think I understand better now what you were trying to tell me . Its actually not that difficult .