I'm blogging from the Doubletree Inn close to Roswell Park. Its a very nice hotel and is linked to all the various hospitals and clinics in Buffalo by a tunnel. It is extremely convenient. Rooms are spacious with nice comfy beds.
I might have mentioned before just how proud we are of mum , but it is worth repeating ..... she is made of strong stuff !
We had the appointment with Dr Zalzar, the orthopedic surgeon who did mums knee replacement surgery . Her knee is wonderful , Dr Zalzar can't believe how well she has recovered from that surgery last year. Unfortunately, the rest of her X-rays tell a different story. We did'nt focus too much on the bone scan but what he did highlight was the fact that the tumour on her femur put her at risk for a fracture of the hip on the right side . He has referred her to Dr Jay Wunder an orthapedic oncologist at Mount Sinai Hospital.
Mum handled this news with incredible fortitude. I think having both Andrew and myself with her is helpful . It is really great having Andrew here from Vancouver. He has been a huge support, not only to mum but to me too.