I know I said that I thought it would take much longer for mum to be up and around....I'm very pleased to report that I was wrong and true to form, mum surprised me by wanting to go shopping this evening. Her X-Ray was clear and so she headed off to the mall to pick out a nice outfit for her cruise . She is ultra precise about the kind of clothes she is looking for and being a canny Scot keeps her eye out for a bargain. Mum is certainly not the sort of person to meekly follow daughter about the mall.I picked out a sensible black suit but mum insisted that it was "old fashioned" . I chose a smart jacket but I was told it was drab ! Finally she settled on a gorgeous turquoise jacket and fitted navy pants. She looked terrific and it was hard to believe that she has been so down in the past few days .
She is also heading off to the hairdressers tomorrow for a makeover and is planning one last trip to the spa in Buffalo before she leaves . She's determined to look her best !
Mum certainly makes up for lost time and if there is one passenger on that cruise ship that will dazzle everyone it will be her !