Immune system The system in the body that works to ward off infection and disease. Central to this system are the white blood cells. Some white blood cells produce antibodies in response to specific antigens that may invade the body; others function as scavengers to fight infection by destroying bacteria and removing dead cells.
This week has been rough . Mum is still very weak but she seems slightly better today . I think (hope)she's brighter and less fatigued. Tomorrow she will go for a chest X ray just to be on the safe side. She was seen by a really great Oakville doctor who does house calls. What a difference....no hanging around in waiting rooms . He's a nice guy too ...not that it's a prerequisite, but that personal connection helps .
I'm feel upset for mum...she's missed out a lot this week...she has'nt got anything ready for her trip, missed going out for a couple of dinners,did'nt have her bridge game. These are the things that give her some semblance of normality and control .
The difference between the two of us is quite obvious. I have also had bronchitis treated with antibiotics but I know that I will be up and around tomorrow. It's a much slower process for mum , her antibodies need a major boost as opposed to a gentle shove in the right direction.