This weekend was hot and sunny with record breaking high temperatures, very unusual for thanksgiving weekend. Unfortunately for mum, she has been unable to enjoy this extra summer weather. On Sunday night it was clear that she was not doing well . Ongoing issues with nausea and also the start of a cold really knocked her out. She also had a strange looking rash all over her body. I called Roswell Park and the doctor on call suggested that I take mum down to the emergency at the local hospital. He felt that the best medication for nausea was Zofran and she should probably be rehydrated with fluids and get a high dose of the medication through the i.v. Fortunately Oakville Trafalgar Hospital was relatively quiet and mum was seen almost immediately . The doctor checked her over and suggested that she should take the medication three times a day and double her current dose. The X-ray of her stomach and blood work was thankfully normal and after a long night at the hospital she got tucked up into bed.
Unfortunately we are both now laid up with a horrible cold ....I haven't moved out of my bed for a day now and mum is the same . She's just trying to sleep it off .
YUCK ....this is awful ....I will check up on mum today and I hope she has turned the corner.