It happens maybe once every winter - a storm so fierce and so serious that you'll remember it for years to come and maybe maybe one day tell your kids how you lived through it.Whether that happens to be the storm that's coming Sunday remains to be seen. But forecasters are calling this a major weather event with potentially serious consequences. Others just call it a good old fashioned nor'easter.Whatever your name for it, the system that started deep in the heart of Texas is expected to strike right in the face of southern Ontario and leave few areas spared. We could get up to 30 cm of snow or more if it tracks the way experts think, potentially making it the biggest such one day snowfall in Ontario for the month of December since 1944. Forecasters are also calling for gusty winds and blowing snow mixed with ice pellets at times. City News
I've blogged quite a lot about the weather recently . It seems as though it's beginning to be a big deal for us recently as we have been back and forth a lot between Oakville, St Catherine's and Buffalo. We are very aware of the weather forcast and road conditions which tend to deteriorate as soon as we cross the Burlington skybridge. Today is especially gruesome though. We are hunkered down waiting for the big storm to hit .
We tried to do some last minute shopping done on the Lakeshore today . Mum appeared like a shimmering mirage in a bright , fluffy purple coat that wrapped her up like a huge duvet. All I saw was a head with a red hat poking through . It was quite funny ! We were literally SCREAMING with cold as we walked along the street with the wind howling and the snow blowing. It's hard to describe....you had to be there. Colin is totally unaffected by the weather ....he wore his Crocs and no jacket today quite happily . He refuses to wear winter boots and just soldiers on.
I'm sure my good friend Maureen thinks this weather is nothing !She spent many years in Nunavut and recently moved down to Toronto permanently. This climate is probably relatively tropical for her ! I really must get a grip and stop moaning . It's quite pathetic of me.
Lets hope we get off on time to Mexico on Monday. We can't wait....some gorgeous sunshine, plenty of relaxation with my brother , Hilary and the girls . For mum, this is so long overdue , the heat on her bones is exactly what she needs and deserves.
I think a prayer to St Christopher, patron saint of travel, is called for ......
Please, please, please if anyone up there is listening to me ,let us get on that flight without any major delays !