Mum has always enjoyed christmas . In particular , she quite likes the idea (if not the reality) of our snowy Ontario winters . We've done some christmas shopping today and we wrote and delivered some christmas cards to the some of the staff and volunteers and volunteers at Roswell . I think they really enjoy a hand written card , it reminds them that they do some very special work with cancer patients and their families.
In terms of her health, mum had a great early christmas present. She had a clean bill of health from Dr O'Conner . Apparently her latest hemoglobin count of 15.6 is unheard of at the clinic . Nobody has results that good ! Her other results are excellent too. The CA27-29 is 4.6 and her CEA is 1.7 .
Good to know too that today was mums last appointment of the year. She's not due to come back to the hospital until January 7th and with a trip to Mexico to look forward to, she's pretty happy right now .