Mum saw the dentist at Roswell Park and thankfully she doesn't have osteo-necrosis - she really has a tooth growing ! It's a big relief because she's had enough to deal with. In fact mum has been poked, prodded,zapped and radiated enough . It's time now to take a rest and in her words "there's only so much a poor body can take" . She decided to postpone the upper G.I test next week and only go back to the hospital one more time for her Zometa infusion on December 11th .
The driving back and forth to Buffalo is beginning to get difficult with the winter closing in. We had a nasty drive home today with white-out conditions from Buffalo to St Catherine's. We feel though that it's still worth making the effort to go to Roswell. Mum gets such excellent care that it's hard to think about changing doctors at this point . We just have to deal with the weather and make the most out of the trip .
Mum never , ever complains ....not once.