I took Colin away to Algonquin Park for a couple of days. It was a lovely and much needed getaway. We stayed right in the park at a place called Bartlett Lodge . It is quite idylic and very unspoiled. After dinner last night , we were sitting on the dock when a guy began casting fishing. The first thing I noticed about him was how unusually methodical he was. He cast his line repeatedly with a great deal of patience and assured us that he only caught fish to release them straight back into the lake . We started chatting and it turns out that he is a neurosurgeon , Dr Robert Plunkett at Roswell Park who is one of doctors there that treat patients using gamma knife radiation and a colleague of Dr Prasad. Colin said to him that if we had "problems with Grandma" he would vote for him as a good doctor ! Naturally, we hoped that we would only meet again socially and I said I would be sure to say hello if I saw him at the restaurant at the Doubletree . Like so many of the people we have met from Roswell, he is an exceptionally pleasant and down-to -earth person.
On the way home, we coincidentally met up with my friend Maureen Doherty at the legendary Webers Hamburgers on the highway just outside Orillia . We happened to call each other on the phone as she was heading north and I was heading South . It was good to have a meet quickly and it gave me a sense of normality as I caught up with all the latest news.
Back in Oakville, mum is still feeling very weak and the only really good news on the horizon is that Frank is arriving from Auckland tonight . The timing of his visit could not be better and it works in very well with an appointment tomorrow at Roswell .