What can I say about my cousin Frank ? He is one of the kindest, most thoughtful people I know and I can't even begin to describe how special it has been to have him here with us for the past two weeks. He's made us laugh , got us "organized" ,packed up mums entire flat ready to move and has been a deep well of emotional and physical support . We love him dearly and the thought of him leaving on Thursday makes me feel very sad .
In many respects,Frank is our link and touchpoint to the past ....my childhood in South Africa ,years living in the UK and more recently visits to Canada . There are some wonderful, yet bitter sweet memories of people lost to us now -My Aunt May and Uncle Gordon, my cousin Alan , my other aunts Magda and Margaret . All the people in our shared past have created an unbreakable and profound bond between us .
We are connected forever by family , but somehow we have also managed to redefine our relationship. Frank may now literally be at the other side of the earth in New Zealand but we know that despite the distance that separates us, he is always there for us , without question or explanation . This is a true gift and something that is always sustaining no matter how far away we live from one another .
I took this picture tonight . Frank and mum were tucked up in her bed watching "America's Got Talent " ! The three of us had a great laugh - just what we needed !