The final pack-up is on Thursday . Mum is not moving alone however...I am following along with Colin and the dog because I cannot move into my own condo until September 15th. This moving thing is really getting us all down. We are existing on a steady diet of fast food regularly punctuated with Tim Hortons Coffee . There are boxes everywhere, we have very few clothes to wear and now I have a raging ear infection and feel like my head is going to explode .....
mwwwahhhh ..... In spite of these difficulties, mum is actually holding her own .Providing she does'nt overdo it , she is sleeping less during the day and is managing the logistics of the move very well. She went to the bank this morning and is off to the lawyer to sign all the paperwork tomorrow. This is quite impressive considering how little energy she has had recently. It's also not the easiest having a lively twelve year old around the place . When mum gets really fed up , she just sticks a sign up on her bedroom door which reads "Do Not Disturb " and hides out for a while. We get the message !
A a sense of teamwork and good humour gets us through but I am seriously starting to feel a bit demented and very stressed.