At long last, this is really me writing on the blog! It has been several months now and I haven't really been at my computer at all. However, I am using Moira's blog to say a big, big thank you to all of you who have sent me emails, letters, cards , presents etc etc etc . There are too many of you to thank individually.
I would however like to give a special thanks to my nephew Frank Booth who came all the way from New Zealand for two weeks to help and support me. I was very touched and I just cannot thank him enough . We've had some good laughs Frank and you were very, very patient with me (particularly in the hospital !) .
I'd like to also also mention my friend Viv for her constant letters of support and to my cousin Sheila - thank you Sheila for that lovely CD . Thanks also to Anne and Peter for their constant good wishes .
Mainly , I would like to thank Moira and Andrew. I think Moira's blog is first class and she has never left my side since the day the illness was first diagnosed. We've also had lots of laughter together . Andrew, what can I say about you ? You have been over from BC to Ontario several times to be with me, you've sat with me in hospital , even though I know it's not one of your favourite places . Andrew has topped everything by organized a lovely trip to Cancun for all of us at Christmas. It will be so wonderful to be with all my grandchildren .
I cannot finish without saying a thank you to my friends in Oakville and of course Doug - you have always been there for me .
I am feeling much, much better now and it looks as though the treatment is working. I am feeling very positive and I'm almost back to normal. I will still have to be a regular visitor to the hospital in Buffalo . Everyone here has been so kind and I could not have done this without Moira always driving me , Andrew paying all the hotel expenses and Doug for handling all the insurance paperwork.
I promise to write to you all individually before Christmas.
Thanks again and bye, bye for now.
Celia .