Thursday is Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S and Friday marks an orgy of shopping. Some stores in the Walden Galleria mall are opening at 4am to allow mad bargain shoppers to get a head start. Now that the Canadian Dollar is so strong, you see the parking lot of the mall littered with discarded old clothes , bags and boxes . The Canadians like the great deals and avoiding duty is almost becoming a bit of a game !
Right by a trash can at the entrance to the mall we saw a discarded pair of Ugg Boots . I couldn't believe it and immediately grabbed them (but they were a size 7 ) The former owner had obviously purchased an even better, nicer pair of boots and just dumped her old ones .
While people are picking up bargains at Target, there is an ethical emergancy in this country and the lack of accessible healthcare is only the tip of the iceberg.
On our drive home, late at night , through the deserted downtown Buffalo streets and boarded up buildings we saw plenty of shopping carts . This time they were full and were pushed by shuffling homeless men and women .
Something is broken here ....how is it possible in this wealthy economy that such abject poverty coexists with enormous affluence ? President Bush has recently asked congress for $200 billion in supplemental financing for war operations but has pledged to veto a children's health bill standing before congress . Apparently , he said something about the president’s responsibility to rein in lawmakers’ “temptation to overspend.”
Starting at Sept. 11, 2001, war-fighting expenses total in excess of a staggering $800 billion and that's ignoring the devestating cost of the loss of human life .
Universal health care insurance for all Americans seems like an impossible dream and President Bush will fight this insane war until his last day in office.