But to stand in the sun and melt into the wind?
Kahlil Gibran, from "The Prophet"
The past couple of weeks have been very rough . Mum's friend Doug died on Friday night. It's very hard to put into words how we feel. Doug was a good friend to mum and to all of us .He will be sorely missed . His death was unexpected.Mum said goodbye quite happily and went to Florida the day before Doug went into hospital for surgery on his foot . The expectation was that he would manage reasonably well. Sadly, he passed away from complications of diabetes and never fully recovered from the operation. It is very, very sad and mum is feeling quite adrift at the moment. We feel for his daughters , grandaughters and all his family and friends . Doug was a kind, generous person and we will always remember him with great fondness. We just have to hold on to lovely memories of his kind spirit and warm heart .
The finality of death is so very bleak and painful. It's a sad time.