525,600 minutes - how do you measure, measure a year?
In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee.
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife.
In 525,600 minutes - how do you measure a year in the life?
How about love? How about love? How about love? Measure in love.
Seasons of love.
From "Rent" the musical ........
I have just returned from the most amazing evening . I went to the Metropolitan Community Church in Toronto for their 30th anniversary celebrations . It was an evening that was filled with spectacular music by soloists and the choir and was by far the most enjoyable and affirming event I have been too all year . I laughed, I cried and I shared something special with the whole congregation.
I'm also pretty emotional today for another reason, it's been a year now since mum was diagnosed with metastatic cancer ....a whole year .......
Mum is back at the Baldwins in Muskoka for her annual bridge week, I've just returned from a trip to New York and invariably, life just rolls on.....
How can I possible measure this year ? From the day mum was first diagnosed ? From the moment I realized that she would make it out of the hospital ? Since Colin's birthday , my birthday ? Doug dying ? The simple truth is that I cannot measure or even make sense of the past year ...it has just unfolded at its own tempo and we are merely waiting the sidelines almost as observers of our own life.
I am not trying to be too esoteric or "Zen-like"...it's just that whatever thoughts I had this time last year about how mums illness and indeed my life would unfold have all proved to be fairly useless and inaccurate. In fact I can only conclude that analysis and speculation was a waste of time.
The simple facts are that mum is doing really well, we are all reasonably happy and healthy .Beyond that, I cannot even begin to speculate what I'll be writing a year from now on this blog.
Watch this space....